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Performing Arts

inspired to perform

The Performing Arts Department provides performance opportunities to enhance each student's development by teaching lifelong skills that will enrich their lives. Focus is placed on teamwork and building self-confidence while cultivating each student's talent.


performing Arts in the lower & Middle school

In the lower and middle schools, we focus on providing a hands-on, sequential visual arts program where students learn basic arts literacy while learning higher-order thinking skills. Students learn to communicate their ideas and beliefs reflecting cultural diversity and interdisciplinary study through a variety of art mediums, techniques, and technology. Through the visual arts program, students appreciate the value of art in their daily lives and learn to contribute to society through their art.

performing Arts in the high school

In an exceptional facility and inspiring environment shaped by dedicated faculty, our high school arts program is designed to empower students fully in their human artistic expression with the finest preparation in order for them to excel. We encourage our students to explore new disciplines, find what they love and then set them on a track to develop their passion. Students are given the opportunity to explore both the fine and performing arts path where they can explore big ideas, develop lifelong skills, and become innovative thinkers!

By offering beginning, intermediate and advanced course offerings, students have the opportunity to not only develop a strong artistic foundation, but an opportunity to build on their skills with each passing year! Exposure in the arts helps students develop their problem solving skills, become innovative and creative, and most important, gain personal confidence and a positive way to express themselves.