Strategic Plan 2023-2028
We are honored to present Light the Way 2023-2028, the next Strategic Plan for the Academy of the Holy Names. With this plan, the school will be positioned to pursue new and emerging opportunities, while also honoring and strengthening the rich tradition that has been evident at the Academy for over 140 years.
The 12-month endeavor was led by the Strategic Plan Steering Committee comprised of SNJM sisters, trustees, administrators, parents, and alumni. We believe the goals and objectives outlined here will best meet the needs of our students and school community today and in the future.
Our Mission
It is critical that the school community has clarity and a shared understanding of our core mission and purpose. Our mission statement is the “north star” for the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan.
The Academy of the Holy Names is a Catholic, independent school founded and guided by the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. In a faith community of exceptional love, the Academy empowers students to be authentic individuals who, in pursuing their highest academic potential, engage in critical thinking, are inspired by creativity, and lead culturally aware, spiritually rich lives.
The Planning Process
The highly inclusive and collaborative process that included all Academy constituent groups helped determine our direction to ensure that high quality and faith-filled education, for which the Academy is known, is maintained for generations to come. In addition to analyzing facts and figures, a dialogue was key to providing the steering committee with knowledge, insight and understanding—a fundamental ingredient to sustainability, growth, and change. The result is a bold plan that defines strategic goals and objects for seven pillars that will inform the next chapter for the Academy.
7 Key Areas of Focus
During the planning process, we examined seven critical domains and focused on where we have been, where we are currently, and where we want to be in the future. The process was a highly participative and collaborative effort, where we collected input from the Academy community through surveys, roundtable discussions, and conversations. The result is a five-year plan that defines strategic goals and objectives for seven pillars that will inform the next chapter in the Academy’s history and be the basis of our decisions from 2023 through 2028.
Proclaim the Catholic faith & love for the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary through the lens of our SNJM vision & values, so that the entire community will experience a culture where the primacy of the love of God is at the forefront of everything done at the Academy.
Evolve a leading, innovative & student-centered academic program that embodies our Catholic mission & SNJM values & serves to further strengthen educational outcomes to the highest standards of excellence.
Strengthen its focus on developing the whole child by ensuring that character education, extra-curricular offerings, community involvement & the celebration of student achievements enhance our ability to hone faith-filled, responsible & resilient leaders.
Attract, develop, and retain exemplary teachers & staff who are highly skilled, mission-committed & are life-long learners dedicated to continuous growth and improvement.
Cultivating A vibrant, engaged, & unified school community
Welcome and engage its students, parents, employees, alumni, trustees, and community partners to build affinity and strengthen a culture of trust, support, and philanthropy.
Ensuring Institutional sustainability
Leverage a targeted marketing and enrollment strategy, sound fiscal operation, and strategic governance structure to ensure that the ongoing vitality, viability, and reputation of the Academy, and its brand promise to deliver a high-quality Catholic education, is maintained for generations to come.
Optimizing facilities & Technology infrastructure
Commit to offering a top tier physical campus with technology and infrastructure to ensure market competitiveness and support the evolving faith, academic, athletic, artistic, and student life experiences for all.
Our Sincerest Thanks & Gratitude
Thank you to everyone who made the forming of the Strategic Plan possible, including our incredible Strategic Plan Steering Committee made up of SNJM sisters, trustees, administrators, parents, and alumni. In addition, we want to thank each student, current parent, and faculty and staff member who took the time to participate in the process by completing a survey, engaging in roundtable discussions, or meeting one-on-one with the president.
We are grateful to you for choosing and supporting the Academy of the Holy Names, as we work together to sustain and strengthen our school defined by faith, excellence, and love. The Academy continues to be blessed by so many who give generously for the betterment of our community. Let us continue to pray for one another and all those within our AHN community whose efforts enable the Academy’s light to shine brighter than ever.
Steering Committee Chairs
mrs. Daphne McConnie
mrs. Paola Schifino
mr. Kevin Whitney
AHN President
Domain Chairs
SNJM Vision & Values, Catholic Identity
Sister Ann Regan, SNJM
Ms. Greta Dupuy '97, Alumna & Past Trustee
Mrs. Katie Solomon Holland '95, Alumna & Parent
Academics & Instructional Technology
Ms. Olivia Martinez '10, Alumna
Mr. Isaac Ruiz-Carus '94, Alumnus & Parent
Mr. Ed Bulleit, Past Trustee & Parent of Alumni
Mrs. Kim Dingle, Trustee & Parent of Alumni
Mrs. Stephanie Crane Lieb '99, Alumna, Past Trustee, Parent
Mr. Jason Woodside '01, Trustee
Advancement & Communications
Mr. Doug Bogle, Parent
Ms. Martha Minahan, Trustee
Enrollment & Marketing
Mr. Steve Matesich, Parent of Alumni
Mrs. Paola Schifino, Trustee & Parent of Alumni
Facilities & Technology Infrastructure
Mr. Ernie Garateix, Trustee & Parent of Alumni
Mr. Todd Schweitzer, Parent
Student Life
Mrs. Velen Diaz Thompson '83, Alumna, Trustee, Parent of Alumni
Mrs. Renee Murphy, Parent