Academy of the Holy Names Master Plan - page 11

11 |Academy of theHolyNames |Master PlanPackage |FieldingNair International |February 2014
MacDill CampusDevelopment
Duringthe“Discovery”phaseof ourplanningprocesswefoundthattheAcademy
has had a rich history of both performing and visual arts, including music and
theater. Over the years, the original facilities were replaced to accommodate
the schools’ expanding academic requirements and population. However, the
value and appreciation of an integrated arts education remains embedded in the
schools’ mission as expressed in the followingArtDepartment philosophy:
“TheAcademy of theHolyNames concurs with educational leaders in declaring that aesthetic
knowledge is central to the full development of a human person. Believing that mastery in the
arts is a sequential, lifelong process, AHN is committed to providing every student with a
comprehensive arts curriculum that promotes artistic learning, exploration and expression.”
“Experience in the creative process is essential to all learners. In the arts, this process involves
solving problems with skill and imagination, discovering new questions, and producing new
ideas, objects or interpretations of existing works. Learning in, about, and through the arts
develops each learner’s capacity to make meaning from experience, to respond to creativity, and
to contribute to society.”
The AHN Community desires an Arts Center that provides ample space,
storage, and tools for a full program to be implemented across all grade levels.
It encompasses the performing arts, music, and the visual arts. Clearly, this
ambitious program could not be contained within the existing confines of the
existingMedia Center facilities. Also, the School realized that a new arts facility
would give theAcademy a tangible statement of its commitment to theArts.
During theFacilityMasterPlanningprocess, theAHNLeadershipTeam realized
that thebestuseof theMediaCenterwouldbe tohouse theentireMiddleSchool.
A site directly across fromMacDill Avenue was identified as the future site for
the newArts Center. The positioning of this new building would create a new
campus with the Sports Facility to the west and the athletic field to the north.
The new Arts Center would be accessed directly from the Pedestrian Bridge
through a series of coveredpavilion structures and an entry garden.
The existing surface parking thatwill be displacedby the newArtsCenterwould
be relocated to a new two story covered parking structure that could contain
144-150 cars. The roof of the Parking deck would contain three tennis courts
and two basketball courts. The size and length of the building structure would
bemitigated from the residential development to the southby theuseof “Green
Screens,” which will promote living plant materials on the vertical walls. Solar
screening elementson the roof wouldprotect players fromdirect sunlight during
the daywhile shielding night light from abbutting homes.
MacDill Avenue
1) FutureArtsCenter
2) ParkingDeckBelow: 2Floors - 144 spaces
3) AthleticDeck
4) FrankV. Giunta Sports Facility
5) SteinbrennerAquaticCenter
6) Athletic Field
7) Project Yard
8)OpenAir CoveredFoyer
1...,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,...30
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