ahn-accord-2016v10iss1 - page 26

Gift for theFuture
WhenStephanieCraneLieb (A’99)
beganher journeyat theAcademy
as a 1st-grader, she served as a
flower girl for the AHN Class of
1988 high school graduation. In
herwhitedressand redsash, Lieb
handed flowers to the graduates
while formerAHNPresidentSister
Elizabeth Crean, SNJM, spoke at
the commencement ceremony.
Sr. Elizabeth’s speech resonated
withLieb’s father, RalphCrane, so
much that he asked Sr. Elizabeth
for a copy.
Years later, after graduating from
Academy, Tulane University and
Loyola University School of Law,
Lieb joined theAcademyBoardof
Trustees—Sr. Elizabeth was also
a Board member. Lieb called her
father to share her excitement of
sitting on the Board of Trustees
with Sr. Elizabeth. He held on
to the speech that Sr. Elizabeth
delivered at the 1988 graduation
andpassed iton tohisdaughter in
2009 when he learned she joined
Both Sr. Elizabeth and Lieb were
asked to speak at the Christmas
Luncheon in December regarding
theAcademy’s legacy.Sr.Elizabeth
talked about the unwavering
charism of the Sisters of theHoly
Names despite changing times.
An example that recently struck
Sr. Elizabeth is when she toured
the SYKES Innovation Lab. She
explained that although the iLab
has been updated with flexible
furniture, Epson Brightlink
projectors and collaborative
learning areas, the wooden floor
that supports thespace is thevery
samewooden floor of theSisters’
chapel in the 1930s. Though the
way of teaching and learningmay
change, the SNJM foundation
remains the same.
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